PTCS (Portable telecommand and control system)

The PTCS is available in various standard and custom configurations for control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Target Drones, Expendable UAV’s and Missile Simulations. These systems can operate in stand-alone mode or be easily interfaced to portable laptop computers for graphical display of vehicle flight data and on-board sensors.
IRGX (Integrated Radio Guidance Transmitter)

The IRGX is designed for short range control of radio guided drones and medium sized unmanned aerial vehicles. It can be used for External Piloting operations. It features ruggedized construction and a high power UHF frequency synthesised radio transmitter capable of controlling unmanned aircraft at distances of several miles. The IRGX can be utilized to simplify launch and recovery operations of large unmanned vehicles. It is also well-suited for flight operation of target drones and short range radio guided aircraft. The IRGX and PTCS can be used in conjunction with all INTEGRATED DYNAMICS autopilots and can be configured for override by another IRGX, during launch or recovery operations, for automatic flight mode control. Multi-channel capability can be extended up to 36 independent channels for control of various mission payloads.